Andy B's Website

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This website is very.. ermm.. interesting. haha. I doubt you have any girls signed up on this website. No offense or anything.

Hey, I may be good at HTML and other random computer crap, but I couldn't make a website out of scratch.

If any of you cool kids have a myspace:

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OOOOORRRR.. just to see my pictures.

haha. it looks like i'm advertising. except i'm not.

i bet you will all think i'm very strange and random for coming on this site.

[btw Andy: found this site through Deviant Art]

mmkay, well. don't think i'm odd. i'm just REALLY bored.
Posted: Aug 31, 2006 3:10:18 am
I know this site looks a little boring, I'm still coming up with some ideas. Right now it doesn't have much on it, but that will change. If you would like you can visit the blog on this site and read the entries. It stays pretty current and may have some interesting stories for you. Here's the link:

BTW: Thanks for visiting!!! If you have any ideas for adding things to this site, you're welcome to share them.

2nd Note: I do have a Myspace.
Posted: Aug 31, 2006 7:07:17 pm
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