Recent Posts
| | [Oct 10, 2013]
- Added Dialog framework for future use.
- Converted ABWM message display to be compatible for HTML5.
- Cleaned up how text is displayed when viewing posts.
- Changed default number of Replies per page to 10
- Fixed display bug on Friends Sidebar [Aug 27, 2013]
- Fixed display bug with menu not overlapping certain elements.
- Fixed issue with YouTube plugin not detecting old URLs.
- Fixed display issue with ABWM not showing tabs correctly. [Aug 25, 2013]
- Fixed display bug because Firefox was not playing nice with table elements.
0.1.2b [Aug 25, 2013]
- Support for IE 8 has been dropped and may not show elements correctly. You can always check out Supported Browser Page for more information
- Changed a lot of pages to support new skins and HTML5
- Recent Posts Sidebar has a better way of clicking on posts
- Social Tab in Settings has a new Tiles View
- Social Tab was redesigned so that most actions are made using AJAX
- Since Friends sidebar only allows a max of 100 contacts, Social Tab also has Favorites built-in
- Fixed a display bug where new users that just created an account were not getting a message if they entered an invalid birthday
- Optimized code for auto-update AJAX request
- Changed design of viewing Posts on Forums to look a lot cleaner. [Jul 30, 2013]
- Changed error messages if an invalid email is entered in settings
- Fixed bug with verifying birthday for profile
- Optimized Avatars so that they are now cachable, but updatable [Jun 28, 2013]
- Fixed small display issue with small images not being handled correctly [Jun 28, 2013]
- Fixed Youtube addon so that Youtube videos will now show using the new link that Youtube changed once again
- Changed the name of the javascript file for Friends Sidebar to prevent caching issues
- Changed code for images so that they display cleaner
- Updated code for Recent Posts Sidebar for upcoming skin
- Updated JQuery version to 1.10.1 [May 10, 2013]
- Text can no longer be selected in the shaded portion of Friends sidebar
- Combined a lot of the site's JS files to reduce the number of files that need to be requested [Mar 12, 2013]
- Fixed text display bug on Friends Sidebar when Firefox tries to calculate the text height using hardware acceleration
- Fixed bug on Forums so that when the Return to Top is clicked, it scrolls to the top of the forum post
- Fixed display bug so location doesn't wrap on mobile
- Friends Sidebar detects when user logs out and displays a message when they do [Feb 27, 2013]
- Friends sidebar will have add contact integrated instead of redirecting user
- JQuery file url is now changed to google for hosting which should help with page load times
- The site makes sure JQuery was loaded from google's servers and will load it's own version just in case it fails
- Changed the code for the top menus to a more customizable way of being displayed
- Fixed bug with Home Page Announcements. They are now shown exactly the same across all browsers
- Changed colors with Home Page Announcements to match skin colors of Modern.
- Disabled Compatibility Mode for IE 8/9. This is to prevent the browser displaying in those modes because it will break the formatting of the site.
- You can check out the Support Browser Page for information on what browsers were tested.
- The Site now detects if JavaScript is disabled and will display a message if it is.
- ABW Messenging now shows an avatar next to messages when viewing them
- The virtual button on Friends Sidebar now follows skin colors
- Fixed bug with wrapping tab titles on ABW Messening
- Fixed display bug with quota percentage bar [Feb 22, 2013]
- Fixed post order bug on forums [Feb 18, 2013]
- Go to forum identifies in a different way the current forum selected
- Using JQuery for experimental scripting
- Updated JQuery version to 1.9.1
- Friends Sidebar now uses a virtual button for changing status
- Clicking on a Friend in the sidebar will redirect to that user's profile
- Moved Forgot Password link and added a create account link next to username field on login
- Patched site to detect viewing on mobile because some mobile browsers will not display the site correctly
- Changed tab order on login so that when username is entered, pressing tab will move the focus to the password field
0.1.1b [Feb 6, 2013]
- Added JQuery file for testing
- Added toast framework (beta version) for future use
- Rewrote how the forums operate to provide better functionality for plugins
- Posts can now be edited and deleted, a few rules have been set:
- You can only edit or delete a post for 30 minutes after it's been posted
- Administrators/moderators can edit and delete anybody's posts
- You can not edit or delete your posts after an admin/moderator has edited/deleted them
- Changed the font style on ubuntu systems to look much nicer
- Fixed bug in modern skin where some addon scripts would not execute correctly
- Fixed bug so recent posts plugin will not keep references of deleted posts
- Captcha is now even more random [Jan 26, 2013]
- Fixed styling bug with textbox on new post page
- Youtube videos will show when using the "http://youtu.be" alternate url
- Fixed bug on social tab where friends were not being organized into different pages [Jan 23, 2013]
- Changed the text of the error messages to be more friendly on the personal info tab in settings
- Changed the name Contacts to Friends
- Change the way Friends are ordered, so that they can be ordered alphabetically
- View Profile marks the administrator of the website
- Fixed bug on forum listing where time was not showing correctly [Jan 23, 2013]
- Fixed bug so user profile data can be read without being logged in
0.1b [Jan 22, 2013]
- Initial Release of the Beta Version